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Current PhD Students


Facheng Gong

Current PhD student

Research topic: "Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Proppant Transport and Placement in Complex Fractures"

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Lixing Lin

Current PhD student

Research topic: "Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery in Unconventional Reservoirs"

Past PhD Students

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Ilyas Al-Kindi

PhD (2021)

Research topic: "Thermodynamics and Phase Behavior of Hydrocarbon Solvents at Capillary Conditions"


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Randy Agra Pratama

PhD (2024)

Research topic: "Post-SAGD Efficiency Improvement"


Hector Leyva-Gomez

PhD (2016)

Research topic: Optimal Application Conditions for Variable Temperature Solvent Injection into Sands and Carbonates for Heavy-Oil and Bitumen Recovery 


Technical & Support S

Lanxiao Hu

PhD (2018) Co-advisor: Dr. H. Li

Current position: Assistant professor, Chengdu University of Technology, China

Research topic: Combined Electromagnetic Heating and Solvent-Assisted Gravity Drainage for Heavy Oil Recovery


Alireza Rangriz-Shokri

PhD (2015)

Research topic: Characterization of Fracture Networks and Their Effective Permeability


Jose Ramon Mayorquin

PhD (2015)

Research topic: Lab to Field Scale Modeling of Low Temperature Air Injection with Hydrocarbon Solvents for Heavy-Oil Recovery in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs 


Francisco Javier Argüelles Vivas 

PhD (2015)

Research topic: Pore Scale Investigations on the Dynamics of SAGD Process and Residual Oil Saturation Development


Hannes Hofmann

PhD (2015)

Research topic: Development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) in Northern Alberta


Yousef Hamedi Shokrlu

PhD (2014)

Research topic: Enhancement of the efficiency of the heavy oil /bitumen recovery techniques by application of metal nanoparticles


Khosrow Naderi

MSc (2008)/PhD (2013)

Research topic: Heavy Oil/Bitumen Recovery by Alternate Injection of Steam and Solvent (Hydrocarbon and CO2) in Fractured Carbonates and Oilsands


Al-Muatasim Al-Bahlani

PhD (2011)

Research topic: Improvement of Heavy-Oil Recovery by Steamflooding and SAGD in Sandstone and Carbonate Reservoirs


Alireza Jafari

PhD (2010)

Research topic: Characterization of Fracture Networks and Their Effective Permeability


Japan Trivedi

PhD (2008)

Research topic: Optimization of CO2 Injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery and Sequestration in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Under Fully Miscible and Near-Miscible Conditions


Can Ulas Hatiboglu

PhD (2007)

Research topic: Miscible and Immiscible Transfer of Liquid-Liquid and Gas-Liquid Pairs Between Matrix and Fracture Under Static Conditions


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