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Student Activities

EOGRRC students travel around the world presenting their research and gaining valuable experience with presentations skills and networking. 

Here are a few of our recent students' activities:

Current PhD student Randy Pratama presented his paper at the Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition in Bali, Indonesia at the end of October 2019. Other students and professionals gathered around to listen to Randy talk about "Wettability State and Phase Distributions during Steam Injection with and without Chemical Additives: An Experimental Analysis Using Visual Micro-Models".
This fall at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) held in Calgary our team boasts two presentations along with many chairing sessions held by our PI, Professor Tayfun Babadagli. First, we can see a number of current EOGRRC members and two Alumni posing together to show suppourt for the presenters. Donna Lee presented her work on "Visual support for heavy oil emulsification and its stability for cold-production using chemical and nanoparticles" of which she co-authored with Jingjing Huang and Professor Babadagli. Randy Agra Pratama presented his research on the "Reconsideration of steam additives to improve displacement efficiency: can new generation chemicals be solution for steam induced unfavorable wettability alteration?" which was also co-authored with Professor Babadagli.
PhD student Ilyas Al-Kindi presents his paper titled: "Revisiting Kelvin Equation for Accurate Modeling of Pore Scale Thermodynamics of Different Solvent Gases" at the San Jose SPE Western Regional Meeting in California 23-26 April 2019. 

From the 25-28 March 2018, Ilyas Al-Kindi, a PhD student in the EOGRRC research group, traveled to Oman for the SPE EOR Conference to present his research on Pore Scale Analysis of Solvent and Chemical Additives to Steam.










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