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Educational and Interesting Videos

CFD-DEM Simulations of Proppant Transport in Rough Fractures

Screening And Optimal Formulation Of New Generation Nanoparticles For Stable Pickering Emulsion In Heavy Oil Recovery

Pore Scale Thermodynamics of Reservoir Fluids

Generation of Pickering Emulsions by Activating Natural Asphaltenes

Visualization of Steam Injection with Chemical Additives

3 D Visualization of Solvent Diffusion and Dispersion

Advancements in Thermal Applications

EOR For Mature Oilfield Development

Global Understanding of Petroleum Engineering Series: Part 4 — Xi'an Shiyou University and UAlberta Project

Global Understanding of Petroleum Engineering Series: Part 3 — Fracture Roughness and Fracture Flow

Global Understanding of Petroleum Engineering Series: Part 2 — What Should I Do Before I Graduate?

Global Understanding of Petroleum Engineering Series: Part 2 — What Makes Petroleum Engineering Different?

EOGRRC Video Series - Alumni Interviews: Part 2

EOGRRC Video Series - Alumni Interviews: Part 1

Meet the Current EOGRRC Team (2018)


Dr. Celal Sengor Guides a Geological Field Trip and Guest Lectures (October 2017)

Research Videos

Research Videos

Research Videos
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Visual Analysis of Mixing Process of Two Miscible Fluids

Visual Analysis of Mixing Process of Two Miscible Fluids

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Visualization of Interactions of Two Miscible Fluids in Porous Media

Visualization of Interactions of Two Miscible Fluids in Porous Media

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Screening of Chemicals for Low Cost Heavy Oil Recovery through Microemulsion Stability Tests

Screening of Chemicals for Low Cost Heavy Oil Recovery through Microemulsion Stability Tests

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Stream Treated Biodiesel in Water Emulsion and Its Interaction with Heavy Oil

Stream Treated Biodiesel in Water Emulsion and Its Interaction with Heavy Oil

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