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Dr. Hai Huang


Dr. Hai Huang
Visiting Scholar 
(Jul. 2016–Jul. 2017) 
with Xi’An Shiyou University, China

Research topic: Experimental modeling of  proppant transport in rough hydraulic fractures

  1. Huang, H., Babadagli, T., Li, H.A., Develi K. and Wei, G.: “Effect of Injection Parameters on Proppant Transport in Rough Vertical Fractures:  An Experimental Analysis on Visual Models,” J. Petr. Sci. and Eng., vol. 180, 380-395, 2019.

  2. Huang, H., Babadagli, T., Chen, X. and Li, H.A.: “Performance Comparison of Novel Chemical Agents in Improving Oil Recovery from Tight Sands through Spontaneous Imbibition,” Petroleum Science, vol. 17, 409-418, 2020.

  3. Wei, G., Huang, H., Babadagli, T., Hou, L. and Li, H.A.: “A Visual Experimental Study: Resin-Coated Ceramic Proppants Transport within Rough Vertical Models” J. Petr. Sci. and Eng., vol. 191, 107142, 2020.

  4. Wei, G., Huang, H., Babadagli, T., Hou, L. and Li, H.A..: “Determination of the Effect of Resin-Coating on Ceramic Proppant Settlement for Optimal Hydraulic Fracturing Applications,” J. of Powder Tech., vol. 373, 109-117, 2020.

  5. Huang, H., Babadagli, T., Chen, X. and Li, H.A.: “Performance Comparison of Novel Chemical Agents for Mitigating Water-blocking Problem in Tight Gas Sands,” accepted for publication in SPE Res. Eval. and Eng., 2020.

  6. Huang, H., Babadagli, T. and Li, H.A.: “A Quantitative and Visual Experimental Study: Effect of Fracture Roughness on Proppant Transport in a Vertical Fracture,” SPE 187520, 2017 SPE Eastern Reg. Meet., Lexington, KY, USA, 4-6 Oct.

  7. Huang, H., Babadagli, T., Li, H.A. and Develi, K.: “Visual Analysis on the Effects of Fracture-Surface Characteristics and Rock Type on Proppant Transport in Vertical Fractures,” SPE 189892, 2018 SPE Hydraulic Fracturing Tech. Conf., The Woodlands, TX, 23-25 Jan.

  8. Huang, H., Babadagli, T., Li, H.A., Develi, K. and Wei, G.: “Visual and Quantitative Analysis of Injection Parameter on Proppant Transport in Rough Vertical Hydraulic Fractures of Unconventional Reservoir,” SPE 190041, 2018 SPE Western Reg. Meet., Garden Grove, CA, USA, 22-17 Apr.

  9. Huang, H., Babadagli, T., Chen, X. and Li, H.A.: “Performance Comparison of Novel Chemical Agents in Improving Oil Recovery from Tight Sands through Spontaneous Imbibition,”  SPE 193553, 2019 SPE Int. Conf. on Oilfield Chem., Galveston, TX, USA, 8-9 Apr.

  10. Huang, H., Babadagli, T., Chen, X. and Li, H.A.: “Performance Comparison of Novel Chemical Agents for Mitigating Water-blocking Problem in Tight Gas Sands,” SPE 199282, 2020 SPE Int. Conf. and Exh. on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, LA, USA, 19-21 Feb. 

Dr. Xiaojuan Ren
Visiting Scholar 
(Dec. 2009-Dec. 2010) 
with Xi’An Shiyou University, China

Research topic: Experimental modeling of immiscible displacement in a rough-single fracture

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