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Randy Agra Pratama

MSc 2019

Research topic: “ Effect of Temperature, Phase Change, and Chemical Additive on Interfacial Properties and Performance of Steam Applications”

MSc Thesis

When considering the wettability state during steam applications, we find that most issues remain unanswered. The removal of polar groups from the rock surface with increasing temperature improves water wettability; however, other factors, including phase change, play a reverse role. In other words, hot-water or steam show different wettability characteristics, eventually affecting the recovery. Alternatively, wettability can be altered using steam additives. The mechanism of this phenomenon is not yet clear. The objective of this work is to quantitatively evaluate the steam-induced wettability alteration in different rock systems and analyze the mechanism of wettability change caused by the phase change of water and chemical additives.

Even though they reveal useful information, contact angle measurements are limited in accounting for the importance of the wettability alteration effect on the phase distribution/entrapment and oil recovery. Micromodel studies are then preferred to assess these characteristics. The result of the experiments in the glass bead micromodel presented that phase distribution and wettability state were sensitive to steam phase (vapor yielded oil-wet or condensate yielded water-wet case). This phenomenon also aligned with the previous hypotheses indicating that phase change has an impact on wettability state and residual oil saturation. At any circumstances, wettability alteration with chemicals was possible. The shape and characteristics of the trapped oil with and without chemicals were identified through micromodel images and suggestions were made as to the conditions (pressure, temperature, and time to apply during the injection application) at which these chemicals show optimal performance. 

Analysis of the degree of wettability alteration induced by steam (or hot-water) and temperature was helpful to further understand the interfacial properties of the steam/bitumen/rock system, as well as proving useful in the recovery performance estimation of the steam injection process in carbonate and sand reservoirs, specifically in chemically enhanced heavy-oil recovery. According to this research, conventional steam additives can be altered by these novel chemicals that are both cheaper and more thermally stable, thus showing potential and appearing promising for steam wettability improvement and surface tension reduction in steam applications. In addition, the study and analysis of phase distribution and wettability change in micromodels during hot-water and steam applications provides useful data and understanding of interfacial properties, oil trapping mechanism, and the recovery performance of rock/bitumen/hot-water or steam system in the reservoirs. For practitioners, chemical additives were recommended, validated by visual images and thermal stability tests. 

PhD Publications:

  1. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2024. What is Next for SAGD?: Evaluation of Low GHG and High Efficiency Tertiary Recovery. Geoen. Sci. Eng. 234: 212608.

  2. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2024. What Did We Learn from SAGD Applications in Three Decades, and What is Next? Geoen. Sci. Eng. 232(Part B): 212449.

  3. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2023. Experimental and Visual Investigation on Energy-Efficient and Zero Greenhouse Gas Emission Post-SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage) Heavy-Oil. Submitted to J. Cle. Pro. (Under Review).

  4. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2023. What Did We Learn from SAGD Applications in Three Decades, and What is Next? SPE Western Regional Meeting, Anchorage, AK. USA, 22–25 May, SPE-212970-MS.

  5. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2022.  A Review of the Mechanics of Heavy Oil by Steam Injection with Chemical Additives. J. Pet. Sci. and Eng. 208(Part D): 109717.

  6. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2022. What is Next for SAGD?: Evaluation of Low GHG and High Efficiency Tertiary Recovery Options. SPE Canadian Energy Tech. Conf., Calgary, AB. Canada, 16-17 March. SPE-208876-MS.

  7. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2021. New Formulation of Tertiary Amines for Thermally Stable and Cost-Effective Chemical Additive: Synthesis Procedure and Displacement Tests for High- Temperature Tertiary Recovery in Steam Applications. SPE J. 26(3): 1572–1598. SPE-201769-PA.

  8. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2020. Tertiary-Recovery Improvement of Steam Injection Using Chemical Additives: Pore-Scale Understanding of Challenges and Solutions Through Visual Experiments. SPE J. 26(03): 1552–1571. SPE-200841-PA.

  9. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2020. Reconsideration of Steam Additives to Improve Heavy-Oil Recovery Efficiency: Can New Generation Chemicals be Solution for Steam Induced Unfavorable Wettability Alteration? Energy Fuels. 34(7): 8283–8300.

  10. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2020. New Formulation of Tertiary Amines for Thermally Stable and Cost-Effective Chemical Additive: Synthesis Procedure and Testing for High-Temperature Tertiary Recovery in Steam Applications. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Virtual, 26–29 October. SPE-201769-MS.

  11. Pratama, R. A., Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2020. Tertiary Recovery Improvement of Steam Injection Using Chemical Additives: Pore Scale Understanding of Challenges and Solutions through Visual Experiments. SPE Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, California, USA, 27–30 April. SPE- 200841-MS.

MSc Publications:

  1. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2020. Wettability State and Phase Distributions during Steam Injection with and without Chemical Additives: An Experimental Analysis Using Visual Micromodels. SPE Res. Eval. and Eng. 23(03): 1133–1149. SPE-196253-PA.

  2. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2020. Effect of Temperature, Phase Change, and Chemical Additive on Wettability Alteration during Steam Applications in Sands and Carbonates. SPE Res. Eval. and Eng. 23(01): 292–310.

  3. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2019. Wettability State and Phase Distributions during Steam Injection with and without Chemical Additives: An Experimental Analysis Using Visual Micro-Models. SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Bali, Indonesia, 29–31 October. SPE-196253-MS.

  4. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2019. Reconsideration of Steam Additives to Improve Displacement Efficiency: Can New Generation Chemicals be Solution for Steam Induced Unfavorable Wettability Alteration? SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 30 September–2 October. SPE-195833-MS.

  5. Pratama, R. A., and Babadagli, T. 2018. Effect of Temperature, Phase Change, and Chemical Additive on Wettability Alteration During Steam Applications in Sands and Carbonates. SPE Trinidad and Tobago Section Energy Resources Conference, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 25–26 June. SPE-191188-MS.

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