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Alireza Rangriz-Shokri

PhD (2015)

Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta

Research topic: Evaluation of post-CHOPS (Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand) EOR Methods





  1. Rangriz-Shokri, A. and Babadagli, T.: “Field Scale Modeling of CHOPS and Solvent/Thermal Based post CHOPS EOR Applications Considering Non-Equilibrium Foamy Oil Behavior and Realistic Representation of Wormholes,” J. Petr. Sci. and Eng., vol. 137, 144-156, 2016.

  2. Rangriz-Shokri, A. and Babadagli, T.: “Field-Scale Deformation Analysis of Cyclic Solvent Stimulation in Thin Unconsolidated Heavy Oil Reservoirs with Developed Wormhole Network,” accepted for publication in J. of Canadian Petr. Tech., vol. 54, no. 6, 341-350, 2015.

  3. Rangriz Shokri, A. and Babadagli, T.: “Modeling of CHOPS (Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand) for Subsequent Thermal/Solvent Injection Applications,” J. of Canadian Petr. Tech., vol. 53, no. 2, 95-108, 2014.

  4. Rangriz-Shokri, A., Babadagli, T. and Jafari, A.: “A Critical Analysis of the Relationship between Statistical and Fractal Fracture Network Characteristics and Effective Fracture Network Permeability,” accepted for publication in SPE Res. Eval. and Eng., 2016.

  5. Rangriz-Shokri, A. and Babadagli, T.: “Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Cyclic Solvent Stimulation for Post-CHOPS EOR: Application on an Actual Field Case,” accepted for publication in SPE Economics and Management, 2016.

  6. Rangriz-Shokri, A. and Babadagli, T.: “Evaluation of Thermal/Solvent Applications with and without Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sand (CHOPS),” SPE 158934, 2012 SPE Energy Conference, Developing Resources for Sustainability, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, June 11-13, pp. 17.

  7. Rangriz-Shokri, A. and Babadagli, T.: “An Approach to Model CHOPS (Cold Heavy Oil Production with Sands) and post-CHOPS Applications,” SPE 159437, 2012 SPE Annual Tech. Conf. and Exh., San Antonio, TX, 8-10 Oct., pp. 12.

  8. Rangriz-Shokri, A. and Babadagli, T.: “Modeling Thermal and Solvent Injection Techniques as Post-CHOPS Applications considering Geomechanical and Compositional Effects,” SPE 165534, 2013 SPE Heavy Oil Conf., Calgary, AB, Canada, 11-13 June.

  9. Soh, Y., Rangriz-Shokri, A. and Babadagli, T.: “A New Modeling Approach to Optimize Methane-Propane Injection in a Field after CHOPS,” SPE 181322, 2016 SPE Ann. Tech. Conf. and Exh., Dubai, UAE, 26-28 Sept.

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